Category: Mid-Atlantic Coastal

  • Let’s Get Home

    Let’s Get Home

    Sunday we woke early, ate breakfast fast, and hit the road for Southport, Khan’s winter home.  As we left around 8AM, there was talk of taking the absolute fastest route, but we decided to stay on Route 17 until we got to Florida.  It was a good decision, since we saw very little traffic. We…

  • Our Busiest Day Yet

    Our Busiest Day Yet

    As has been our pattern, we woke with the sun – or at least Tom did.  He headed to the Charleston KOA bathroom with the complicated method of entry that had stymied Scott the night before (hit 7643# on the door lock slowly and deliberately, and it might turn green and open.)  While Tom was…

  • What Hurricane?

    What Hurricane?

    Woke up this morning early to nice weather – or fairly nice, though a bit soggy – in Holden Beach RV Campground – “the home of happy campers.”  During the trip today we saw very little evidence of a storm though we passed it going North as we went South. While on our way to…

  • Rained Out

    Rained Out

    We woke up at Cliffs of the Neuse fairly refreshed and wondering when we could leave (7AM).  Our biggest concern of the day was driving into the teeth of Hurricane Nicole, so we consulted for hurricane tracking, for wind predictions, and Google maps to gauge our distances. Our biggest concern was reaching Florida…

  • Revised Plan – Cliffs of the Neuse State Park

    Revised Plan – Cliffs of the Neuse State Park

    The morning started around 6:30AM when the sun peaked over our rocking RV.  The experience was best described as “mild to moderate turbulence” on an airplane.  Not surprisingly, there was still no sign of water and little sign of anyone working there – so we left around 8AM after breakfast and showers in the RV…

  • The gods Are Cooperating with Our “No Planning Mode” – by Foiling Our Plans…

    The gods Are Cooperating with Our “No Planning Mode” – by Foiling Our Plans…

    We woke up early in Temperance, VA to strong winds from the North and ended up leaving around 8:10AM – somewhat earlier than planned.  Given the winds, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel had us concerned, but the winds were at our back and not a problem at all. Probably got better fuel mileage. As part…

  • To Plan or Not to Plan

    To Plan or Not to Plan

    This trip – the second involving only Scott and Tom – is an attempt to slow our excessively-frenetic pace down to a more stately and enjoyable one where we drive no more than 3 hours most days.  We’re taking 7 days to reposition Khan and Polo from Pennsylvania to Florida – a trip that can…

  • Get Out the Map, We’re Going RVing Again

    Get Out the Map, We’re Going RVing Again

    This Trip Has Been Postponed… Planning has started for our next trip – a Mid-Atlantic Coastal and Historic Cities Tour. This time we’ll start from our PA home and travel down the Atlantic Coast to Florida, avoiding I-95 as much as possible – maybe to Kissimmee, or maybe all the way to Key West. Our…