Category: All Trips

  • Tour 40% Complete – Two of Five Great Lakes Visited

    Tour 40% Complete – Two of Five Great Lakes Visited

    Friday morning brought to an end our first multi-night stay.  We made it to our departure without running out of water, making good use of the bathhouse – Scott and Tom made it there while there was still hot water for showers; Steve not so much… After a leisurely morning with Scott and Tom solving…

  • Letchworth – Definitely Worth It!

    Letchworth – Definitely Worth It!

    We woke up between 6 and 7AM, and immediately deployed our Starlink satellite – priorities, eh (Getting in a little practice for our next stop in Canada, eh?).  Since we were near a fairly open field but the camper was parked under a tree, we used the ground quad pod, making it fairly easy to…

  • Great Lakes Adventure

    Great Lakes Adventure

    Today we took off on our “Tour of the Great Lakes” adventure, planning to visit each of the 5 lakes.  Tom carefully straddled the “make sure we have reservations so we don’t get stranded,” and “Let’s just wing it” divides.  Scott’s son Stuart and wife Tiare had left the Jeep at the airport in Philadelphia…

  • Kahn, Our New “Home” Arrives Home

    Sleep was pretty good with the air conditioning and generator running all night – the biggest problem was the 1:30AM visit from the dumpster emptying truck. Tom and Scott awoke at 6:30AM or so – just in time for a quick “boondock” bus shower in the Cracker Barrel parking lot, then breakfast just as the…

  • First Highway Miles – FL to NC

    Scott and Tom started the trip North at 7:55AM. At 7:56 – half way down the driveway – Scott decided to confirm that garage door was closed. Not only was it closed, but he then realized he could have used his MyQ application on his phone. At any rate, second start was accomplished at 8AM.…

  • Take a Number

    We woke up at Lake Hatchineha to very nice weather and a glorious sunrise that Tom was the only one to see and capture. The beds proved quite comfy, although we all decided mattress toppers would be nice. The A/C provided all the white noise you could ask for, and no one kept track, but…

  • We’re Really Doing This

    On Friday we began by going to Walmart, with an extensive list . We filled two shopping carts and were briefly concerned that we wouldn’t be able to get everything into the Prius with the three of us, but it was not a problem. Several items on the list – such as coffee mugs, cups,…

  • The Name Is Kahn. Genghis Khan

    Wednesday, June 8th Tom and I were scheduled to leave for Florida to pick up the Navion –There was some excitement as we prepared to leave. Susan lost power ½ hour before we left (a tree was down and took wires with it on Saint Peter’s Road,) and Chris Gibson, Tom, and Scott rushed to…