Month: September 2024

  • “Don’t pick up hitchhikers,” or so Mama Said

    “Don’t pick up hitchhikers,” or so Mama Said

    First a few photos of scenes along the way… The morning started with our first test of the silicon caulk fix for the induction cooktop.  As one would expect with Marcus’ superior knowledge of material properties, we had absolutely no problem grilling eggs, then sausage patties on the repaired cooktop. We then headed north towards…

  • It’s All Downhill from Here

    It’s All Downhill from Here

    Above – Triple Divide Peak is on the continental divide, but has an even more unique quality – rain falling on the summit will flow to either the Gulf of Mexico to the Southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the West, or the Hudson Bay to the Northeast. Hopefully rain drops that get to know each…

  • Dam Tour and Mountain Drive

    Dam Tour and Mountain Drive

    First, some photos of scenes along the way… Today was a comparatively easy day – we awoke to general overcast and low clouds.  We had decided to spend an extra day to wait for better weather that was in store for Monday, so we spent this Sunday morning relaxing and catching up on emails and…

  • The sublime and the absurd

    The sublime and the absurd

    First a few photos of scenes from along the way… Today was a fairly long day for old guys.  We left the RV location for the closest attraction to our RV park yet – the Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site.  This is a working cattle ranch with a fascinating history – created, originally, by immigrants…

  • Go Directly to Jail!

    Go Directly to Jail!

    First a few photos of scenes from along the way… Our trip from West Yellowstone to Deer Lodge made for a long but fun day in Montana. We started out to cloudy skies but no rain in our campground.  We were impressed with the place given that it was in an urban location – the…

  • How Clean Is Clean?

    How Clean Is Clean?

    First a few photos of scenes along the way… After our second night in Twin Falls, it was time to leave our somewhat-better-than average campground for West Yellowstone, MT.  Hopefully our plan change would minimize the time spent in cold rain.  After a fairly lazy morning we headed out for our first stop – The…

  • Twin Falls – Take Two

    Twin Falls – Take Two

    First a few photos of scenes along the way… Today was the second time we made a serious deviation from our travel plan. The first was when we aborted the Hatteras Ferry crossing due to high winds that canceled all trips. We had planned to head to West Yellowstone for two days of exploring that…

  • Crash, Bang, Boom (no injuries)

    Crash, Bang, Boom (no injuries)

    The day started early with breakfast then email and business meetings.  At about 9:15AM PDT, we departed Wells for points North.  As we entered Idaho we returned to Mountain time.  Our destination was Twin Falls, Idaho, where we planned to see several sites.  The first was Herrett Center at the College of Southern Idaho.  It…

  • Magnificent Organ, Rain on the Salt Flats

    Magnificent Organ, Rain on the Salt Flats

    We awoke to nice showers in the bathhouse and breakfast using the food from the Walmart run.  We had long planned to see the organ recital at the Mormon Tabernacle.  Tom sent Scott the YouTube video beforehand, but he did not watch it.  The night before Tom found the Land Cruiser Heritage Museum and we…

  • Locked Out – Lucked Out

    Locked Out – Lucked Out

    The first day of the OWGRV Northwest Corner trip went smoothly – sort of.  Nathaniel Guest drove us to the airport with plenty of time.  Flight was projected to leave on time and arrive early.  We got our first-class upgrades.  Everything went smoothly until we were taxiing for takeoff when Tom said. That meant that…