Steinhatchee Wildlife – Us

Sunday morning we awoke to our coldest outside temperature yet.  We left our bike batteries charging overnight, and they had a thick layer of frost on them in the morning.

Ice Cold Storage

Steve was sore all over, but game to do anything that did not involve bike riding.  We decided to take the jeep and try and find some wildlife along the “road to nowhere”, particularly around road to nowhere point .  When we got there we realized that there was exploring to do beyond where the road ended – and we had a pretty good vehicle to do it.  Our Polo Wrangler had highway tires and was not lifted, but we managed to keep it from getting stuck through some fairly serious puddles.

We then drove around more trying to find places that looked challenging, but not so challenging that we would have to hike to a place where we had cell coverage to get someone to pull us out on a Sunday.  We succeeded.  For most of these Steve remained outside the bouncing jeep, trying to find the wildlife we came to Steinhatchee to photograph.  We did get some cool pictures of the jeep going through puddles, and we did give it a reasonable coating of mud.

Boyz with Toyz

The problem with taking pictures of birds and other creatures was the cold.  Apparently, almost all of them were trying to stay warm in a place where we couldn’t find them.  We returned to the jeep for lunch, took a bit of a siesta, then returned for another run – this time to a boat ramp.  Nice road, other SUVs and trucks parked (no people,) but few photography subjects.

We eventually decided to eat lunch and carefully considered all the restaurants in town where we had not yet eaten.  However, in the end we decided to go back to Roys, for our third dinner of the trip. 

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