New Meets Old

We all woke up early on Thursday anticipating an afternoon departure for somewhere between Florida and Georgia.  We also anticipated a visit from the third OWG, Steve, who would stop by to plan our next trip with him, clean Scott’s camera, and give sage advice to the whippersnapper who was joining him on this trip (Steve will be in Mongolia at Lake Khovsgol by the end of this trip.)

The morning involved moving and cleaning the RV (a task that Tom does so well,) assembling the new eBike that was purchased for Anthony, packing, then lunch at our favorite Mexican place where Steve showed his nature photos to Anthony.  After lunch was a trip to Walmart that Scott skipped so he could talk to Steve and make a call to the office.  At Walmart Tom explained the concept of travel size liquids to Anthony.

Anthony proved how well he fit into the OWG by searching his iPhone for a half hour – retracing his steps, having us call it, etc., before remembering that he had left it on the charger.

We departed around 3:30PM, with an arrival time (with dinner and fuel stop) around 8-9PM.  We assigned Anthony the job of reserving our spot for the night at Jennings KOA using his phone.  He proved excellent at this – navigating the complex website on his phone, entering phone numbers, addresses, and credit card information.  We then received a call from the campground saying they had lost power.  Then we received another saying it had been restored.

Dinner was at a Sonny’s BBQ – and, has become a pattern, Anthony was unable to decide on a meal choice so he asked the waitress for a suggestion.  It worked out as he had the St. Louis Ribs.

The campground was right next to I75 and eerily empty – perhaps due the earlier power failure.  The proximity to I75 was surprisingly not a problem – and since there were so few fellow guests the wifi was fast enough that we did not need to deploy the Starlink.  We were happy to have the air conditioning since it was pretty hot, but all slept well.

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