5 States in 1 Day

Our trip today from Nashville, TN to O’Fallon, MO (outside of St. Louis) led us through 5 states: Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri.

We woke up early after our first Harvest Host stay after a relaxing, quiet night behind the church.  After a quick breakfast we were on our way to our next Harvest Host stop at the Saint Charles County Veterans Museum .  After driving through some very serious rainstorms, we passed the iconic Gateway Arch and arrived at the museum around 2:30PM.

The Harvest Host website said you could maybe get one of their volunteers to show you around the museum, so we texted them and they did so.  The docent was Lori – maybe Laurie – who was retired Air Force.  She gave us a very nice overview of the museum, with lots of personal stories that gave life to the many local veterans of WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korea, and later conflicts.  We were very impressed with the museum, and Lori/Laurie was impressed that Tom was the pilot of VideoRay ROV videos inside the Arizona in Pearl Harbor (they had a piece of the Arizona superstructure in their museum.)

After our museum tour we had time for some fun before dinner, and we decided to go to a nearby bowling center for one round.  Anthony started to find his form despite never bowling before, but Tom and Scott could not demonstrate much competence though Scott handily won the game.

Anthony started talking smack about his prowess at air hockey as we passed their arcade.  He declared he would easily defeat whoever won the first game between Scott and Tom.  Tom narrowly won that game, then went on to defeat Anthony to become the Air Hockey champion of our group.

After our games, we were ready to eat dinner.  Apparently O’Fallons is full of excellent Pizzerias, so we went to the closest one – Pirrone’s Pizzeria-St. Peters.  We had one of our best – and cheapest meals – and each of us but Anthony brought back two meals worth (but even Anthony brought back one meal’s worth.) 

After dinner it was back to our camper for blogging and emailing, then bedtime.

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