A Busy Day

Today was a sightseeing and fish lesson day.  Peter Widener met us at the guest house and drove us to town to a fly fishing shop he previously owned for outfitting for fly fishing.  Peter apparently knows everyone in town and we overheard lots of fascinating conversations with the locals.  After we obtained flies, rods, boots, and socks, it was off to see the Big Horn mountains and wildlife.

The Widener Guest House
The View from the Guest House

We drove up the mountains and saw lots of snow still waiting to melt.  We pulled off the road a couple of times in search of better pictures and sightings of elk, moose, deer, and such.  Lots of great pictures.  Peter turned over a rock from a stream and showed us insects that were hatching, and which the fish would be feeding.  We learned quite a bit about the wildlife and fish in the area.

Lots of Textures
Elk Herd
Mooses, Meese?

Can you spot the moose?

We also got a brief lesson on how the tectonic plates that formed the mountains collided, as a road cut exposed this.

We then went fishing on a pond on the ranch.  Tom caught two bass, Scott caught one, Peter (in his 3 minutes fishing) caught one, Anthony caught zero.

Fly Fisher’s Candy Shop
Lesson Time
Now that’s a Father’s Day Treat!
Scott’s First Fish

For dinner, Scott cooked a pulled pork loin in the instant pot.  Since we didn’t have all the ingredients, he substituted water for chicken stock and vinegar, and threw in some crushed red pepper we had received with our pizza while in South Dakota.  It was eminently edible but not great – the more BBQ sauce added, the better.

After the long day (over 6000 steps on Scott’s sore knees,) we had the best sleep of the trip.

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