Two Headed Calf!

Today was our day to meet up with our Lynnewood Hall Preservation Foundation board members and talk together with the Wideners about family history and lore.  We also continued to benefit from their hospitality, seeing the sights of Sheridan.

It seems like these were everywhere in the West in the 60s, but they are hard to find now.

We started out with lunch at the Brinton Museum with a few Wideners and Lynnewood team, then we toured the Sheridan Inn until the new private owners threw us out.  Practically every corner in Sheridan is adorned with a bronze sculpture, a really nice treat.

Then to the excellent King’s Saddlery Museum where we discussed what we had learned earlier from the Pony Express museum, then a few other shops and the Mint Bar before returning to our guest house. 

King’s Saddlery – for all your Cow-person needs!
One of the many oddities in the King’s Saddlery Museum
Buffalo Bill’s Pistol with a note about it’s history
A Fan Favorite
The Mint Bar (of course)

Later that night was more mingling with the Wideners at a very nice BBQ they hosted.  Then another sound sleep before our early start for the next day’s Fly Fishing trip.

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