Just Like We Left Them

After breakfast and an interesting Uber rider with the former managing editor of the Denver Post in his Tesla Model Y, we arrived at Mountain View RV storage.  We remembered our gate code, and our Uber driver drove us right up to Khan.  No apparent problems – a few tumbleweeds lodged under Khan and Polo, but surprisingly clean.  Amazingly, both vehicles started right up, and we hit the road.  Our destination was to stay overnight at Moon Lake ranch (again), but stop at Golden Spike Tower on the way, then stock up an the nearby North Platte Walmart. 

During breakfast, and during our ride, we were asked where we were from.  An easy answer this trip – “right where they are searching for the escaped murderer in Chester County.”  It was disturbing to see “Glenmoore PA” on the national news covering the story while we ate breakfast.

Things initially went pretty much to plan during the trip.  The Golden Spike tower was really cool – you could watch the largest train sorting yard where they “hump” cars to sort into trains to the proper destination.  There was a volunteer that could answer questions on the operations there – they sort thousands of cars a day, and have a diesel locomotive shop that services 750 cars a month.  North Platte is sorta a company town,– a little larger than Pottstown where everyone either works for Union Pacific, or in a service business that services those employees.  It is truly a “other side of the tracks town, as the many tracks have huge road bridges that cross at regular intervals.

As with the last trip, the road to Moon Lake was largely either unpaved, or single late paved.  We could regularly hear the pinging of the rod connecting our stabilizer pads as rocks it hit and played it like a guitar.  Exciting.

As we drove to Moon Lake, we heard regular beeping complaints from the refrigerator – apparently low voltage.  As we arrived in Moon Lake, we had a cascading series of electrical problems and complaints.  After dinner (running the generator,) Tom apparently figured out and fixed the problems and we had a nice, restful sleep after our hamburgers, beans, and fresh fried potatoes.

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