Limping Along

We awoke to beautiful weather in County Line campground, where Tom was able to capture a great picture of the sunrise.

While our destination was Duluth, Minnesota, Tom has been in all 50 states, except North Dakota. Being so close we decided to clip the Southeast corner on our way to Duluth, qualifying him for the All Fifty States Club.

It was great driving without incessant beeping, but we had not moved past bad decision making.  Scott normally is in charge of finding fuel stops, where his thrifty nature and gasbuddy app mean we never overpay for diesel.  However, our first planned fuel stop was at a place where gasbuddy did not have a price – and when we got there the price was $4.49 a gallon – fully 20 cents over the going “best” price.  Scott thought there was another batch of stations down the interstate.  Scott was wrong.  For some reason our range estimate was well off as well.  Khan started complaining loudly about imminent stranding – we were forced to go 5 miles off the interstate to a small station where we barely arrived before bricking our ride.

Zero Bars!

We were determined to eat lunch at a restaurant, and we found that the town of Fergus Falls had a large variety.  We ate at a good Chinese Buffet that was apparently quite popular with the locals as it was half full at 11:30AM.  We then went a little farther down the road and stopped at a Nyberg sculpture garden at Nyberg Park in Vining, MN.  We took lots of pictures, enjoying the great sculptures and such.  We were too cheap to buy anything at the store, and too lazy to go in and sign the guestbook.  After leaving we googled and found that they had a Nyberg book only easily accessible at the store.  Go figure.

On to the campground at the Phillips’ in Saginaw MN.  We arrived an were entertained by the goats for a while, then began working on our house battery problem.  Using Dave’s multimeter, we discovered that one of the house batteries was completely dead – something we had guessed at.  After filling it with water, we ate a delicious steak meal, then removed the battery and took it to a Batteries Plus for diagnosis.  They convinced Scott it was likely hopeless, but had the exact replacement available.  We brought that back, Tom installed it, and we think we have one problem solved.  We have an appointment at 9AM tomorrow to have Khan’s dead leveling system looked at.

We plan to stay at the Phillips’ until they kick us out.

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