Goodbye Canada

We woke to a great weather day at our North Bay campsite.  Scott had noticed a bike trail as we got close to the campsite, so we googled their bike trails and decided to go for a ride of about 10 miles.  Then we hit the road for Chipman, NY, where we will stay a day or two with Tom’s brother-in-law, Bill Fisher.

Nipissing Lake from along the Bike Trail
Nipissing Lake

Lunch was at another scenic stop. Not sure what to call it. It was not a “wayside,” not a “rest stop,” but marked only with an image of a picnic table. This one was at Gibson Lake.

Since this day was not too busy, allow us to muse a bit about Canada.

  • In general the roads were in pretty good shape, and in general deserted this time of year.
  • There are lots of road signs that seem incredibly obvious and unnecessary, like:
    • Drive according to conditions
    • Large vehicles need more room
    • Watch children around water
    • Yield to opposing traffic in center lane
    • An inexplainable one was “Single Lane Bridge Ahead, where the bridge was as wide as or wider than the trail.
  • There are more marijuana outlets than donut outlets, and there are lots of donut outlets (Robins in the west, Tim Hortons in the east)
  • In Eastern Ontario, real estate agents must compete like beauty pagents – every real estate advertisement had a glam shot of the agent involved.
  • People do seem to be polite
  • They sometimes lack imagination, with one town having Church Road, Ball Field Road and other roads with obvious names based on the prominent landmarks. And then there is this:

As with our last international border crossing, entry into the US was pretty uneventful, though the agent did ask if we bought fuel.  When we replied that of course we did having traveled from Duluth Minnesota, he pointed out that our fuel door was wide open.  Oops…

At Bill’s in Chipman, NY

Dinner at a local restaurant along the Saint Lawrence River, then bed.

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