Soaked, yet Stoic

After a restful sleep in Tom’s brother-in-law’s driveway, we woke to more glorious weather – but perhaps a bit windy.  We were fortunate to have Bill agree to take us for a ride in his 22 foot SeaRay in board – with a 300 HP engine and a speedometer that went up to 70MPH.

A good start

Before leaving for the boat ride Scott used our Starlink to participate in a charity board meeting over zoom for 1 ½ hours – it worked without a hitch.

We started by buying sub sandwiches for lunch on the boat, along with supplies.  All three men were unable to find granola despite being told exactly where it was, so rather than ask again we bought granola bars which Scott figures he will crush to eat with his yogurt in the morning.  Tom bought supplies for a special oil-and-vinegar BBQ sauce that the church uses for their chicken BBQ dinners, overseen by Bill.

Going downwind was smooth and windless
Going upwind was another story, yet Scott remained unfazed

We were a bit surprised to see whitecaps on the St. Laurence river boat launch, but how bad could it be? (though Bill was overheard commenting that this was the roughest he had seen this season.)  It was, indeed, a spirited ride, with waves crashing over the bow of the open boat and getting Scott and Bill wet (Tom was more strategic about the seat he chose.)  But it was a lot of fun anyway.

After lunch Tom visited a close by friend.  Scott napped.

Then dinner with Bill and Melinda, who returned from helping their son get his new house ready.  Tom BBQ’ed the chicken we bought in Canada to general acclaim, along with sides Melinda had cooked.

Great day all around.

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