Falls, Family, and Friends

We had a busy day scheduled today – first Ruby Falls in Chattanooga, then a lunch visit to Tom’s niece Christine in Scottsboro, AL, then dinner with John and Elaine Hubbard.

On the way to Ruby Falls we passed signs for the Towing and Recovery Museum, and the Cast Iron Skillet museum, but regretfully we’ll have to wait for a future trip to visit these.  The cave was very interesting, but very crowded – and this on a day the weren’t too busy.  The falls were, in fact amazing, as was the number of Japanese tourist that made it to Chattanooga.  We’ll let the photos speak for themselves.

The visit to Christine’s house was great, though Scott missed most of the Glebas family catching up.  Christine and the kids, dog, cats, chickens (including Bantams,) were all very gracious and hospitable.  We saw round cotton bales for the first time we can remember, but again we’re getting to the age where remembering is a spotty pastime.

Having a “Meet and Greet” with one of our loyal blog fans!

We arrived at the US Space and Rocket Center Campground early since we had leave Christine’s after only an hour and a half as they had other plans.  After unhooking the jeep for the first time since we left Pennsylvania, we dallied a bit then joined the Hubbards for chatting, dinner, then drinks and more chatting.  We had a great time reminiscing about our various boondoggles and the early days of VideoRay.  Tom and John talked clocks and pens, while Scott and Elaine discussed other things.

The next morning our plans are to maybe see some of the Space Center in the event that it as changed in the last 35 years or so since we were there for International Intergraph Graphics Users Group (IGUG) meetings in the late 80s and early 90s.
