I don’t have the keys, you have the keys…

We woke up early in our city-of-Chattahoochie-owned campground, Chattahoochee RV Campground & Fishing Resort! (the exclamation point is part of the name.)  One reason we woke up early was that we were on the very edge of Eastern time – a few hundred yards west and we would have been in Central time.

After breakfast, Tom suggested a quick bike ride to the neighboring river and nearby Jim Woodruff Dam , which impounds Lake Seminole on the Apalachicola River on the border of Florida and Georgia.  Scott was reluctant, but since Tom did all the work of unloading and unfolding the bikes, he agreed.  The ride was our first interstate trip, as we were in Georgia before we knew it.  Great views, and since the bikes did almost all of the work it was thoroughly enjoyable.

This gives me an idea for a band name

Despite the length of the ride and the several selfies and pictures of signs showing us leaving and entering Georgia, we got the bikes back, packed into Polo, and were on the road by 9AM.  Scott was anxious to get to his house in Kissimmee, FL, so we basically drove there as fast as we could on interstates.

We had another incident with Khan as we dropped it off at La Mesa to service the leveling system.  At one point Tom gave Scott one of the Khan keys as he was going to the bathroom and there was a slight chance the service department man would show up.  Scott sat at the service lady (Jolene’s) station and placed the key on her desk.  Then he promptly forgot about both having and leaving the key.

Tom insisted that a) he had given Scott a key, b) Scott must have left it somewhere, and c) Scott had to retrace his steps.  When Scott asked Jolene if she had a key, she said she was just about to issue an APB, and she was grateful to solve the mystery.  Even several hours later Scott could not generate a reasonable story to cover the lost key mystery.

We arrived at Southport in the Jeep at 5PM, and so ends the saga of another leg of OWGRV travels.
