Hill Country Offerings

Long day today – particularly for Scott, who was standing on his aching knees for hours…

We departed Riverbend RV Park around 9AM and headed west.  Our first stop was the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, TX.

Along the way to Fredericksburg, we passed through what seemed to be the Napa Valley of Texas. The vineyards were so thick you could throw a stone from one to the other. Each one had to have it’s own unique marketing, like Rhinory with a Rhino Mascot, and the Bluemont Vineyard, Brewery, and Kitchen in case you can’t make up your mind what you are in the mood for.

Vineyards along the route to Fredericksburg, TX

Hill Country seems to be prone to flash flooding with many stream crossings that they allow to just flood the road – infrequent enough to justify a proper bridge. We saw a sign that stated, “Water over the road.” They were serious.

This is a fairly major road.
Flood Stage – How high would it have to be to make you turn around? – There are no posted guidelines here…

The WWII museum had been suggested as a great place to stop by Gary at SES.  We really didn’t appreciate how great this place would be or how long we were likely to stay there.  Turns out it is a great place with excellent, very detailed information about the entire pacific campaign in World War II.  There was a very well-planned combination of artifacts (including jeeps and boats and guns and such,) displays, videos, and lots of walls full of detailed descriptions of the progress of the war.

One of the 5 Japanese 2-man subs that participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor (the actual sub, not a replica).
Doolittle’s Raid on Japan Exhibit
Avenger Torpedo Bomber

We arrived around 10:30AM, broke for lunch around 12:30 (we parked the jeep across the street taking only 5 car spots,) then went back and went through exhibits until the lower section with an outdoor reenactment site (2 blocks away from the main museum complex) closed at 3PM. Unfortunately, no reenactment was planned for today.

We then did the short drive to our next campsite – the KOA in Kerrville, TX https://koa.com/campgrounds/kerrville/ where we parked our rig and took the Jeep to the local recreation of Stonehenge in Kerrville – nice spot for selfies with that and an Easter Island Moai recreation as well.

We finished the days activities with yet another trip to Walmart where we found almost everything we needed, then back to the campground for dinner of leftovers, and emailing. We topped off the Jeep at the old style gas pump at the campground – reminded us of traveling across the country as kids.

No Credit Card or Electronic Display Here – kind of like finding a phone booth.
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2 responses to “Hill Country Offerings”

  1. I can’t believe they actually have one of the submarines there from Pearl Harbor. That’s really cool. What’s the story behind Stonehenge and the easter island monuments being re-created in Texas?

  2. I can’t believe they actually have one of the submarines there from Pearl Harbor. That’s really cool. What’s the story behind Stonehenge and the easter island monuments being re-created in Texas? Very cool.