
We awoke at Meteor Crater RV park a bit later than normal, but still in time to make the Meteor Crater visitor’s center shortly after it’s 8AM opening.  Pricey compared to National Parks at $25/person after our senior and staying-at-their-RV-park discounts, but still well done.  We got a guided tour with a very short walk around the rim of the crater from a local woman who was very knowledgeable.  Did you know that this crater is the best preserved one of this type in the world, and that every living thing within 15 miles was killed when the collision occurred 50,000 years ago? It also hosted training for the Apollo missions for the US astronauts during the 60s and 70s.

Astronaut Suit and USA Flag at the bottom of the crater
Scott in a simulation of being down in the crater

We then went in search of a Walmart and Tow Bar in Flagstaff, the largest city in the area.  Walmart shopping was successful as always, and the trip to Flagstaff from Meteor Crater had some of the best scenery of the trip, including some snow.

We then went RV Country, where Tom had called on Saturday evening from Pie Town, and where they said they had the right tow bar in stock.  Approaching the desk, we learned that they had sold the tow bar we wanted to someone else that morning, and asked if we were there to pick it up?  After some confusion and mild panic, we went to the Blue Ox Tow Bar display, and realized that the tow bar we thought we wanted (and which was, in fact, sold) was the 10,000 pound vehicle version.  Their other two were 6,500 pound and 7,500 pound versions, and the baby one – at 6,500 pounds, was the one we really needed.  Tom walked out to install it while Scott did the paperwork.

RV Country is located on a stretch of the Historic Route 66.

Then – as we were finishing up, Tom returned with a problem.  The new 2023 version was 8 inches longer than the 1995 version that broke.  We would – possibly – need longer chains, signal cable (for tail lights,) and brake cable for our surge brake thing.  What a nightmare!

However we determined that:

  1. The chains were sufficient despite the longer length
  2. We could stretch the already-stretched signal cable 8 more inches
  3. We had enough spare cable on the brake device to readjust it

So, with Tom using our adjustable wrench from Khan’s toolkit, he was able to get us on the road safely while Scott ate lunch.

For the first time in two days, Scott was able to ride instead of driving, which he celebrated with a nap while Tom drove the rest of the way to Lake Havasu City, where we were booked for two nights in Crazy Horse Campground on the banks of Lake Havasu. Temperatures went from 30F at Meteor Crater to 80F in Lake Havasu.

The Relocated London Bridge (actually, just the exterior stones on a new core structure)

We stopped at a rest area and observed the information displayed on several local/state interest posters. Do you know the 5 most abundant resources in Arizona all start with a “C?” How many can you guess? Answers here.

As we drove into town, we found something we hadn’t seen yet – a boomtown (it seemed, having been established very recently in 1964,) with the relocated London Bridge, and lots and lots of RVs. Utility Task Vehicles (UTVs,) Boats, motorcycles, bicycles, and such – “the home of the personal watercraft” as it says as you enter town.  We’ve booked a 16 foot pontoon boat for a 4 hour ride tomorrow, so we’re packing a picnic lunch tonight and looking forward to our ride.

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