The Lost City

We began the day with a slow morning as Scott needed to participate in his Big Brothers meeting with his little Seth at noon EDT, or 9AM PDT.  After that Teams meeting was over, we packed up the RV and headed to Fredonia, AZ.

While driving through Overton, NV, we saw a sign for the Lost City Museum , so we stopped by for an hour or so.  This museum is dedicated to a small group of native Pueblo folk who lived in the area from 300AD to 1150AD.  Much of the artifacts from this community were submerged by the Hoover Dam (originally Boulder Dam) when Lake Mead was created.

The Lost City Museum is home to many archaeological artifacts of the Pueblos who inhabited the area

The Civilian Conservation Corps provided manpower for many of the excavation efforts, in a race against time before the lake flooded the sites, as well as building the museum that was originally called Boulder Dam Museum before changing the name to the catchier Lost City Museum.

After lunch at The Inside Scoop it was on to our next home for three days – Fredonia, AZ at the Country Rose RV Park .  Tom picked this location as it is central to lots of great places to see and do stuff.

The roadside views are much greener than we were used to seeing

While Scott napped, Tom lined up a jeep tour tomorrow morning and a trip to the North Rim tomorrow evening.  Then a raft ride on Saturday.

We plan on enjoying the cooler weather – tonight’s low is in the 40s.  We have already turned off the A/C which has been running whenever we are stopped for the last several days.

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One response to “The Lost City”

  1. I wonder why they had to race to preserve things when they knew the dam was under construction? Did they not have enough notice about what would and would not be under water?