
Today was the day we picked up Steve Van Meter at the Grand Junction airport.  Since his flight did not arrive until around noon, and the airport was a short drive away, we got permission from the fine folks that run Camp Eddy to stay another hour.  After breakfast we did a short 11 mile bike ride on the same bike path we rode on the night before, just a bit further down the river.  We decided to turn around when the path diverted from the river and looked to just follow the road.

Exceptional Bike Trail in Grand Junction
Large Goat Herd along Bike Trail
End of the Zip Line across the Colorado River from the top of the distant hill

Picking up Steve at the smaller airport went well.  Steve told us he had not had a meal on the long flights from Orlando.  Rather than stop and let him eat a quick meal, we suggest that he microwave a leftover hamburger as we drove along the bumpy interstate towards Durango.

We did get to cross the million dollar highway on the way to Durango – a very scenic road we would cross again on Friday.  We took lots of pictures of scenery, including an amazing waterfall.

Near the 10, 640 ft elevation pass on the Million Dollar Highway
One of the many breathtaking views along the Million Dollar Highway

After we arrived at the HTR campground we reacquainted Steve with procedures for separating the jeep and hooking up utilities and such.  While Steve and Tom made a Walmart run, Scott barbequed chicken drumsticks, which were ready when the away team returned.  After dinner we watched the second half of Stagecoach – we wouldn’t want to spoil it, but good guys survive and bad guys – well – don’t.

Be Kind to Bears
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