It’s All Downhill from Here

Above – Triple Divide Peak is on the continental divide, but has an even more unique quality – rain falling on the summit will flow to either the Gulf of Mexico to the Southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the West, or the Hudson Bay to the Northeast. Hopefully rain drops that get to know each other on the way down don’t get separated on this mountain, never to meet again.

First, a few photos of scenes from along the way…

Picking up where we left off yesterday… This time heading down the East side of the Divide. And, yes, we did miss this sign yesterday and are glad they did recognize this National Landmark feature.
Near Logan Pass
When life gives you impassible mountains, make tunnels.
A pleasant surprise view at a turnout that looked like there would be no views because of the trees. We actually just stopped here to pee, because the all of the bathrooms had long lines today.
Saint Mary Lake looking West toward the Continental Divide
Saint Mary Lake looking East toward the Montana Plains
A spectacular looking mountain with an almost knife edge peak in the foreground. You can see the sunlight coming from the left falling on the face behind it to its right, near the center.
Singleshot Mountain – I love the color banding on the mountain and in the overall photo.
Lower Two Medicine Lake in front of the high peaks of Glacier National Park
Saying goodbye to Glacier as we leave the Park.

We got a late start this morning as Scott was in a 2 hour Teams call with lawyers, that turned into a 2 ½ hour call.  After a mandatory cool-down walk around the campground, it was close to lunch so we ate in Khan before leaving to explore more of Glacier National Park – this time, the Eastern Side of the pass.

We’ve been generally placing our Starlink Mini on the ground or a picnic table, but since this was a critical Teams meeting, we wanted to make sure there were no obstructions during the call.  In this location, that meant putting the Starlink on Khan’s roof, a plan that worked very well as there were not disruptions at all.  This was thanks to Tom who was limber enough to climb up Klan’s rear ladder to place and rotate the Starlink Mini.

Today we drove the entire Going-to-the-Sun Road, then drove back to West Glacier by going, for the most part, around the park.  It was lots of mountains, waterfalls, scenic lakes, etc. See the photos above.

When we got back to West Glacier, it was near dinner time – at least for old folks.  We stopped at the highest rated dinner spot (of the three or four possibilities,) the Glacier Highland Restaurant .  Not a gourmet place, but fine nonetheless.  After our different Bison meals (meatloaf and burger,) we splurged on Pie – something devoted readers will recognize we missed out on in Pietown months ago.  The specialty here is huckleberry – sorta a cross between a blueberry and a cranberry.  Scott got his huckleberry pie with ice cream. Tom got banana/chocololate cream, and a generous helping of Scott’s ice cream. Both pies were very good.

Tonight will be the first time we have spent three consecutive nights in the same place since Steinhatchee, Florida, where we spent a week.

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