Tour 40% Complete – Two of Five Great Lakes Visited

Friday morning brought to an end our first multi-night stay.  We made it to our departure without running out of water, making good use of the bathhouse – Scott and Tom made it there while there was still hot water for showers; Steve not so much…

After a leisurely morning with Scott and Tom solving more pressing VideoRay problems, we departed around 11:30, after stops to fill our water tank and dump our black and gray water tanks on the way out.  We set out to Hamburg New York, where we were determined to eat lunch and take our first picture in front of first Great Lake – Erie.  There was no way we were going to make it into the restaurant parking lot, so Steve sweet talked the adjacent funeral home – undoubtedly they were good to us due to the future customer prospects:

Great Lake # 1 – Lake Erie

We proceeded after lunch to the Rainbow Bridge crossing, where we had each filled out our “ArriveCan” apps with all our vaccination and passport details.  We were worried about having our corn from Ray Bentley’s field confiscated, particularly due to a scarring incident 15 years before involving potatoes and the old Bentley tour bus.  We nervously hid the corn in a bin in the refrigerator, and practiced our old-person “we forgot” excuses if they found it.  As we approached the inspection lane, we noticed we were the only RV as far as we could see.  There was a 50 minute delay before we got across the bridge, then we were pulled out of line to the special “RV” search area.  The nice but stern customs and immigration agent took our passport books/cards, telling us to hold onto the ArriveCan paperwork we had prepared.  They grilled us on why were going to Canada – how we knew each other – made sure we had no guns and were not taking jobs from worthy Canadians, etc.  They did not know where 50 Point Conservation area was (we said it was in Hamilton – it is actually in Stoney Creek – close enough.)  They asked what Steve had strapped to his hip (his phone.)  We waited for the “are you smuggling agricultural materials and/or invasive species into Canada” – but it never came.  We were waived through!  They never asked for our ArriveCan forms.

We then drove by the Canadian side and could see the falls from Khan, but we couldn’t find anywhere easy to park.  In addition to the actual falls, we saw a shuttle van with a picture of the falls.  We could have solved the problem if we tried hard enough – really, if we tried – but we had just seen falls at Letchworth, and we had all seen Niagara Falls within the last 60 years – so why bother.  We have pictures from our drive-by.

Our “Best” Photo of Niagara Falls

After arriving at the 50 Point campground, it was time to get our selfie with our second Great Lake in one day – Ontario.  It was supposed to be a flat 1/2 mile walk, but it turned into at least a 2/3 mile walk.  Steve and Scott were sure we would be dried-up corpses by the side of the road soon, so we sent Tom (the healthy one) back to the campground to get the jeep and drive us the rest of the way and back.  The entire experience was completely and accurately similar to the Shackleton Expedition, though no frostbite was experienced.

Great Lake # 2 – Lake Ontario

After dinner of leftovers and half the remaining Ray Bentley corn, Tom and Steve went to the local Walmart Wannabe – and determined it was a pale and weak comparison to a true Walmart.  They returned with most of what we needed.

After more email and editing, it was time for bed.  Starlink works fine in Canada – though Scott thinks it might not be so good in this location due to trees obstructing the signal.  We might have done better to use the Flagpole Buddy on Khan, but that was way too much work for one night.

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