We’re Really Doing This

On Friday we began by going to Walmart, with an extensive list . We filled two shopping carts and were briefly concerned that we wouldn’t be able to get everything into the Prius with the three of us, but it was not a problem. Several items on the list – such as coffee mugs, cups, power strips, and such we decided we would get from the house and bus stocks. On returning home, Tom asked what was for lunch. Scott replied that Steve and I were eating our leftovers– he was welcomed to go through the kitchen and scrounge among the dried/frozen/canned food for whatever he wanted. Tom found some ancient frozen hot dogs and pickles we had purchased.

No lunch AND they made me walk.

After lunch we relocated Kahn from the barn to the house, hooked up to another of Scott’s 50A sockets. Steve found and trimmed more offending trees – . We then loaded our personal stuff, and headed off. We forget cups, mugs, and power strips.

We arrived shortly after that at the Lake Hatchineha Resort and RV Park, a cozy “campground” with space for maybe 6 campers or trailers. We got the full briefing and they took our $50 in cash (was $50.40, but they spotted us the $0.40.) There was a laundry/one person bathroom, a neat “owners room” without air conditioning but with comfy chairs, a pool with a big sign that said “not a public pool” which we were then invited to swim in, and we were given instructions that the walk to “The Port” restaurant was 7 minutes. We had been to that restaurant several times when we arrived on my pontoon boat, and walk we did as we do not yet have a towed car or “toad.” It was raining, so Tom and I donned “emergency” ponchos that we had from Stuart’s wedding (thank God they weren’t needed for the Wedding.) We had a fine dinner, then headed back to Khan.

The boss explaining how sh*t runs downhill.

Steve decided to watch TV – Khan has a great amplified antenna, and we pulled in lots of over-the-air stations but none were interesting to us OWGs. We had been given instructions on connecting to campground wifi, but this proved unreliable. Scott used his work T-Mobile phone as a hotspot, and we registered the Blue-Ray player as a streaming device for Netflix, then Steve and Scott watched the first 2 hours of “Saving Private Ryan” before everyone went to bed around 10PM.
