On the Water in Duluth

After a restful night using Tom’s newly-installed 30A outlet for power, we awoke early for breakfast.  Steve took off with Tom Crossmon and Dave Phillips for roof repair materials, and when they returned we all went to the harbor for a ride in Dave Phillips’ luxury cabin cruiser.  As we arrived in Duluth Scott bragged about the performance of our Starlink, which Tom Crossmon has been interested in.  Scott volunteered to bring it along on the cruise, and we placed it on the roof for the cruise.  Despite the fact that this setup was not designed for a moving boat, it performed well during the trip, and Tom Crossmon ordered one as soon as we returned – excited about the prospect of using it during missions on his boat, and in his planned new house in the boonies.

Arthur M Anderson (Was following the Edmund Fitzgerald When She Went Down)
Loading Taconite
Sunny Weather and Calm Seas Can’t Keep Scott from Working

We had a good but slow lunch at Pier B on the water, then did some more cruising, admiring the industrial Duluth harbor as Tom and Dave described both industrial and law enforcement responsibilities on the harbor.  During the cruise Scott did a video call interview for a potential new executive for VideoRay. We returned to Tom Crossmon’s house for roof repairs, then an excellent BBQ of ribs, corn, salad, and fruit prepared by Tom and Terry.  Dave brought his wife Nancy along, and we talked about old times, such as our group trip to New York City circa 2004 and a bus trip we did to Duluth around the same time.

Good Food, Good Friends, Good Stories

Steve started lobbying to stay longer in Duluth so he could do bird/wildlife photography at Tom Crossmon’s new home site.  We decided to have Steve stay an extra day in Duluth while Tom Glebas and Scott drove back home, departing as early in the morning as possible.  Steve then could take a cheap last-minute flight to Orlando from Duluth airport close to Tom house.

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One response to “On the Water in Duluth”

  1. Sharon and I have great memories of our few days in Duluth and north last summer. What a lake! Looks like you enjoyed yourselves too.