Get Out the Map, We’re Going RVing Again

This Trip Has Been Postponed…

Planning has started for our next trip – a Mid-Atlantic Coastal and Historic Cities Tour. This time we’ll start from our PA home and travel down the Atlantic Coast to Florida, avoiding I-95 as much as possible – maybe to Kissimmee, or maybe all the way to Key West.

Not for Us

Our plan is to leave the ROV at Ridgevale (Scott’s Southern Villa) at the end of the trip and fly home. The next trip will begin from there – Gulf Coast maybe? In-between this and the next trip, Steve will bring Kahn to La Mesa RV for some needed warranty work.

We are liking the idea of parking the ROV in storage at the end of each trip and then flying back and forth for each regional jaunt. This eliminates a lot of redundant travel over repetitious routes and maximizes the time we get to spend exploring new regions, especially when they are far from home.

Early Panning Stage Route

Right now, the target dates for the Mid-Atlantic trip are October 16-25, 2022. Stay tuned for planning updates and posts from the road.

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