To Plan or Not to Plan

This trip – the second involving only Scott and Tom – is an attempt to slow our excessively-frenetic pace down to a more stately and enjoyable one where we drive no more than 3 hours most days.  We’re taking 7 days to reposition Khan and Polo from Pennsylvania to Florida – a trip that can be done in two and most often is.  We’re actively looking for roses to smell.

Rather than leave at the crack-o-dawn as we do normally, we scheduled a leisurely 10AM meeting and departure sometime later.  Both Scott and Tom showed up early, and we had some help from Marcus, so we were on the road around 10AM.

While driving through Dover, we saw a sign for the museum at Dover Air Force Base and decided – on the spur of the moment – to stop by and see it.  All we could see were a few airplanes and a sign that said they were open Wednesday through Sunday.  Oh well – there is some advantage to planning.

If we had only planned…

Since our trip was so short, we arrived at the campground around 2:30PM.  We paid the extra $10 for “water view”, and you can, indeed, see the Chesapeake Bay.  We discovered a few downsides – there are lots of mosquitoes (though they are extremely slow and easy to swat,) and flies.  The bath house is a fair hike, with signs that say the showers are closed but encouraging patrons to go to the “new” bath house which is even further.  But other than that it seems nice.


Despite the fact that the campsite has wifi, Tom noticed that one of our neighbors had there Starlink dish up.  That meant that not only did we have to put ours up, but we had to have it higher than their dish.  Mission accomplished.

Look how much higher ours is.

On this trip we brought both Scott and Steve Van Meters’ electric assist, fat tire, “old men” bicycles, and since we had lots of time we got them out of the jeep, figured out how they worked, and went for a ride.  After googling mid-ride, we figured out how to turn the lights on on Steve’s RAD-powered bike.  A good time was had by both of us and neither of us got hurt.

It’s hard to ride and selfie at the same time

Dinner was hamburgers and beans cooked by Tom on our portable grill, newly powered by a hose from the camper propane.  They were tasty despite the fact that Tom thinks this setup does not have as high a “high” as using propane cylinders.

After the standard emailing after dinner, we both turned in early, determined to see the lunar eclipse around 6AM Tuesday (election day.)

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